I don't usually go in for New Year's Resolutions (who keeps them, anyway, right?). But this year, I made one: start a blog for Double Blossom. So, 10 days later, here I am! This blog is where I'll post notes and pictures of interest to me (and hopefully you), focusing mainly on two of my favorite things: my handmade jewelry, and Etsy.com. I'm a big fan of handmade goods, and I plan to highlight tons of it here. I'll kick things off with this picture of a felt bird ornament by the wonderful Lupin. I bought a handful of these to give as gifts last year, and kept this little lovely for myself. I think she brightens the tree quite nicely. Here's to a great 2008!
Good luck on your blog ! THe birdie is cute. I love handamde ornaments for the tree. Makes me think of my grandma . :)
Beautiful blog and great jewelry on your Etsy site! I hearted my fav earrings, I want them as soon as I get $$.
Welcome, and good luck! Happy to see another wonderful fellow Etsy jeweler in the blogosphere. Well, it's not enough for us to create and sell our things, we have to TALK about them also! :-) -Rae (of RaesCreations)
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