So I'm generally a pretty easy-going person. In fact people have actually called me "sanguine," which I take to be a compliment. But one thing that really gets on my nerves is deliberate deception in the world of jewelry and gems. Specifically, I'm speaking here of those unscrupulous people who sell fake gemstones and call them real. Now, I'm not necessarily talking about synthetic or man made gems. There is a place for lab created gemstones, as long as their origin is disclosed to the buyer. Also, lab created gems actually attempt to look like the real thing. And I'm also not talking about certain treatments that are considered essentially industry standard (such as heating, irradiating, etc.).
No, I'm thinking of the lowest form of deception: "gem" stones that are obviously some lesser material dyed in whatever color would approximate the genuine article, or man made materials, such as glass or plastic, sold as a genuine gemstone. So, for example, chalcedony dyed red and called "genuine ruby gemstone." Or quartz dyed a shade of purple not found in nature and called "genuine sugilite gemstone." Or perhaps in the worst case I recently came across, plastic chunks being sold as "genuine Baltic amber."
So, with the direct goal of educating myself further on the subject, and the indirect goal of providing useful information to others, I am officially introducing the Gem of the Month. Each month I will pick a new gemstone and offer links and further reading on it. I'll try to find links that discuss the real gem as well as common substitutes (fakes), treatments, enhancements, etc.
To kick off the Gem of the Month, I've picked ruby. Happy reading!

(If you would like contribute helpful or interesting links and/or information, please by all means submit them in the "comments" section!)
Links for further investigation:
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